
     9月8日,高端智能垃圾桶品牌EKO正式官宣张若昀担任品牌代言人。      作为实力派青年演员,张若昀在荧幕上塑造了众多深入人心的影视角色,作品有口皆碑,获得了广大观众的喜爱。此次EKO携手张若昀官宣,迅速在各大社交媒体平台掀起一波声浪,EKO的品牌热度也随之一路飙升。        自出道以来,张若昀在演艺道路上不断挑战多面角色,无论是《庆余年》中才智双绝的范闲、《雪中悍刀行》中潇洒俊逸的徐凤年,还是《警察荣誉》中沉稳敏锐的李大为..... 勤勉专注地深耕演技,不断去探索及开拓,正是这种恪守专业的认真态度,与EKO精益求精的匠心精神如出一辙。      生活中,张若昀沉稳温暖,从容自然,注重干净舒适的居家环境,与EKO提出的“致净·美好生活家”的理念十分契合。      不一样的张若昀牵手不一样的EKO智能垃圾桶,一个是用精彩的作品为观众带来荧幕享受的实力派演员,一个是用智美产品满足高端家庭对美好生活的向往的品牌,两者强强联合带给大众在精神与物质上的双重享受。   ◐       EKO自1997年创立至今,25年来始终专注高端智能垃圾桶市场,将藏污纳垢的容器设计成一件凝聚设计美、工艺美和科技美的生活艺术品,颠覆人们对垃圾桶的刻板印象,开创了行业先河。       这一创举,离不开EKO创始人陈亿志创立品牌的初心:      …

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EKO officially announces Zhang Ruoyun as their brand ambassador,ushering a brand new chapter of inspired lifestyles

EKO officially announced its cooperation with Ruoyun Zhang as the brand ambassador, inspiring a new and improved lifestyle filled with beauty and intelligence......

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Qinhuangdao Anaya Pet Hotel partners with EKO to create a smart and environmentally friendly living experience

Aranya, situated along the golden coast of Qinhuangdao, is a popular destination among vacation enthusiasts. Here, there is a themed hotel specially designed for pet lovers - the Anaya Pet…

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EKO Smart Sensor Bin selected for the diving hall of the Xi’an Olympic Sports Center during the National Games.

On September 27, 2021, the 14th National Games of Shaanxi, the highest level comprehensive sports event in China, came to a successful conclusion. 图片源于新华社 EKO signature soft square EcoSmart X Sensor…

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